Saturday, 16 October 2010

Medal of Honor
So for my first review on this blog i thought i'd post up my MoH review, just thought i'd get one up for starters.

Singleplayer in MoH is short but sweet, it's really not very long at all probably 30 minutes shorter than MW2 Singleplayer so coming in at around 4-5 hours, combat is actually quite refreshing, you're asked to take up a number of roles through out the game like taking point, watching your 6, covering fire, picking your shots. You take control of 3 different characters during the game Dante Adams a US Ranger and Rabbit and Deuce, US SEALS, surprisingly you don't feel as detached as you'd expect taking control of 3 different people over a short game. It also contains some traditional EPIC MoH scenes that remind you what made the beach landings in the old MoH just so damn great! slow-mo is kept to a minimum so when it does kick in you feel exactly how it's meant to feel rather than a nonplussed reaction you get from a game that over uses slow-mo.

-Guns are heavy but responsive
-Recoil is there but not over the top
-Mission are varied in style and aren't the "everything goes wrong" or "rampage smoothly through" that you get a lot of the time where missions tend to twist one way through out the entire game, there's a mix of the 2 that makes it feel more realistic rather than set up and keeps the element of surprise without a discernible pattern
-Sounds guns sound clearly different to each other
-Stealth missions don't feel like you're James Bond and nothing can go wrong for you, you feel like a guy trying to be as stealthy as possible and stay alive.

-Grenades, underpowered as hell which isn't useful in SP
-AI - both friendly and enemy AI are so dumb it's unbelievable, friendly AI just walk in front of you when you're shooting, enemy AI sometimes just stand in the open doing nothing, other times they're the best sniper in the world with an RPG and hit you from 200 metres away

In MoH multiplayer you're one of 2 sides, Coalition or Taliban OPFOR you fight both sides in a round each one as US, one as OPFOR there are 4 modes and a hardcore playlist containing each of the modes, mode are as follows;

Objective Raid; 2 objectives, 1 team attacks the objectives 1 team defends you need to plant charges or defuse the charges depending on which side you're on.
Team Assault; A basic teamdeath match
Sector Control; A domination style match 3 sectors to take and hold for each sector you gain x amount of points every x seconds first to 1800 wins.
Combat Mission; Coalition team has to fight their way through and assault 5 objectives while the OPFOR side has to defend these objectives,

-the main issues with the maps is that they seem to be so one sided towards defenders or attackers depending on the map, it doesn't really matter because you do both on each map but it's a shame they're uneven.

-Lag is pretty good, servers seem to be holding up very well unlike what happened with BC2 where the servers got screwed over causing massive lag. one thing i really like about it is that even if you're lagging badly (and on my current awful internet i do) the server compensates for your connection (don't ask me how) in terms of hit detection, meaning that even though every time i stop running my guy moves backwards 1 metre i can still kill and play the game to a decent standard.

-Grenades are perfect for online they can be used to dispose of a camper and well placed grenades are a useful tool for a good player but they're not noob heaven and don't cause a fragfest which is ideal.
-Sniper are normally a 1 hit kill it would seem and it's a pain when you get some guy on a roof and you can't get him and your team are too useless to, from what i've played there don't seem to be an over-abundance of snipers on PS3 but i've been told that on Xbox there are quite a lot of people using them. For the most part they're bearable but occasionally they'll really get on your nerves when they can cover a stupid amount of ground from their position.

-Well if you read my review before this edit you'd notice there was nothing on killstreaks. They're that well blended into the game, they're not anonymous and they certainly have an effect and give your team and advantage with the defensive streaks and get on the other teams nerves with offensive (i'm an offensive killstreak beacon)
-The defensive streaks are things like UAV, flac jackets for your team, fmj rounds for the team just to give you a slight advantage over the enemy
-Offensive streaks are things like Mortars, Rocket Strikes. While powerful and getting you kills they're also reliant on an element of luck since you have to target where you think the enemy will be, there best use is probably holding down and objective with indirect fire and being a deterrent rather than just for kills
-They're built up by a SCOREstreak which is what they really should be called you build up score with kills, assists, headshots, but also capping sectors, planting charges and the objectives scores earn you far more points about 3x as much as a kill and so this encourages objective play in those modes which is very good for the game.

-Are pretty damn bad. predictable and hard to change, and sometimes in direct line of site to the enemy, weirdly though it doesn't effect the game too much for me i get spawn killed a few times but then i get out of the trap.

I've given MoH 8.5 because SP is refreshing and fun while a little short and the idiot AI bring it down, added to the fact you have to get a boost for EVERY little climb, MP is solid while not being anything special and is lag free which is a large positive, main negative of MP is the unbalanced maps so if I was scoring separately i've give;

SP - 9/10
MP - 8/10

so and overall of 8.5/10 for MoH

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